PUMA has launched Friday Faster Classes to inspire women to be stronger, faster and fiercer in their workouts.
Review by Crystal Espin, Womans Stuff
I don’t mean to be dramatic but I nearly died last week Friday. I’d love to tell you a glamorous story about how I almost electrocuted myself while attempting to straighten my hair in the bathroom but sadly this near-death experience was a sweaty one and there wasn’t a hair straightener in sight. Yes, ladies, I almost died on a gym floor, wearing a sweatband and a sports bra – and there was nothing cute about it. If you have ever been to S.W.E.A.T 1000 then you’ll know what I’m talking about. The guys (and gals) that attend this unique gym don’t half-ass anything and the workouts are next-level intense. But, apparently next-level intense wasn’t quite intense enough for the guys at PUMA so they decided to team up with the lovelies at S.W.E.A.T 1000 to offer something new and ultra-level intense just for us ladies. Which brings me to my near-death experience – because I’m a sucker for punishment I decided to join in for the launch of PUMA’s new ladies Faster Classes at S.W.E.A.T 1000, a decision I would later regret and rejoice (I know, I’m an odd duck). Here’s the rather emotional tale of my return to S.W.E.A.T 1000.
Going to a class at S.W.E.A.T 1000 is a little bit like drinking a flu tonic. You know you’re going to hate it and you’re bound to gag a half a dozen times before you manage to gulp it all down, but once it’s done and dusted you know you’ll be better off for it. In fact, once it’s done and dusted you feel great. Like a worrier who can do anything – a warrior who needs to sit down and rest for a good hour but who after resting can do anything! And, while I did feel like I was dying a slow death for the last 30 minutes of the S.W.E.A.T 1000 Faster Classes, truth be told I did enjoy it. I loved the fact that the high-intensity interval training classes are for the ladies only and knowing that they were developed specifically to encourage ordinary women like you and me to be stronger, faster and fiercer in their workouts made me want to work harder and dig just a little bit deeper.
Sure, the urge to collapse in a sweaty heap on my exercise mat was strong but I also wanted to prove to myself that I could at least complete the class even if it was at my own pace. And that’s the great thing about it, you’re allowed to work to your own fitness level in these classes. The classes are led by S.W.E.A.T 1000’s health and fitness professionals who are there by your side the whole way through the class. At the beginning of the session, the team briefs the newbies on the mechanics of the class and first-timers are advised to go at their own pace and adjust the speed and intensity of the class as they need to. The instructors will also pop in at your exercise mat during the class to correct your form and give you words of encouragement when you need it.
The PUMA Faster Classes are hosted by S.W.E.A.T 1000 in Sea Point on the first Friday of the month and combine mat work and strength training with cardio to offer the ultimate workout experience. The class is 60-minutes long and throughout the class you alternate between doing reps of sit-ups, press, ups, burpees, lunges, squats, and more on your mat and running your heart out on the treadmill. And, while it might sound incredibly intense it is a great way to get a full-body workout done and dusted without having to think too hard about it. The Faster Classes are full-on go, go, go for the full session and the only thing you need to think about is the exercise you are currently doing. It’s a great way to switch off and forget about the worries and stress of your week. Plus, before you know it, the 60-minute buzzer will go off and it will be over, you’ll regain feeling in your legs and you’ll want to do it all over again. True story!
This article was first published on Womans Stuff – What Woman Want